Easiest way to make new connections

Discover people nearby, save their contact information, expand your network. Find new jobs, connections and everything in between with buzzly app.

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Everyone you need might be closer than you think

  • Discover people nearby

    Search by radius and keywords
  • Save favorites

    Save favorites
  • Add notes

    Make private notes about people
  • Share contacts

    You can choose to share only on request
  • Number of clicks

    See how many people clicked on your contacts
  • Stay visible for 1h

    Appear on search for 1h after opening the app
What do people say?
Jocelyn Press
Amsterdam, NL
I downloaded buzzly to find new clients for my freelance work. I didn’t expect this, but buzzly has become my go to app to find new friends!
Tatiana Calzoni
Amsterdam, NL
It’s super simple and at the same time really versatile. I can find a dog sitter, a job and a date - all in the same app!
Davis Torff
New York, NY
As an introvert I have to say this makes networking much easier and less awkward.

Unlock new opportunities with Buzzly app

Connect with people around you
Your network at your fingertips
Find what you need wherever you are

Best part? It’s completely free!

Frequently asked questions

What is Buzzly and how does it work?
Buzzly is a social discovery platform that connects you with people in your vicinity. Create a profile, share interests through keywords, and Buzzly will help you find and connect with nearby users who share similar interests.
Is my privacy secure? Can people see my exact location?
Your privacy is a priority. Your exact location is never shared; Buzzly only shows your proximity to other users to help you connect while keeping your specific location private.
Can I talk to people on the app?
Yes, Buzzly allows you to share contact information such as social media handles or email with users you choose to connect with, facilitating conversations outside the app.
How often is my location updated? How long do I appear on the search?
Your location is updated regularly while you use the app to ensure accurate proximity results. You'll appear in searches as long as you're active, with inactivity causing your profile to be less visible over time.
Do you offer customer support? How can I reach you?
Absolutely! Buzzly's dedicated customer support team is here to help. Reach us through the app's support ticket system, and we'll assist with any questions or concerns.
Is Buzzly free?
Buzzly is free to download and use.
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